Exhibition Information
Contact Details
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter: @BrixhamArtSoc
We encourage new members, whether amateur or professional painters.
Two types of membership are available: full member and associate.
Full: £22.50
Associate: £16.00
Non-members/guests £3.50
SPECIAL OFFER: Due to covid19 and the restrictions placed on our Society we are offering half price membership to anyone who may wish to join us now. Though our annual Summer Exhibition at Scala Hall, scheduled for 15-22nd August 2020, has had to be cancelled, we are, however, constantly looking at new ways to help our members during this difficult time, so this may be a good time to join. Hopefully things will be back to 'almost normal' next April when membership fees become due for the year.
Please note all demonstrations at the moment have been cancelled. We will update this site presently.
When normal service resumes you may wish to come first as a visitor to see one of our wonderful artist demonstrations which are held at
the Rugby Club, Rea Barn Road, Brixham on the third Tuesday of the month. Details on our Demonstrations page. You will be very welcome.
Chair: Julia Lee, 01803 431560 email: jlee1512@gmail.com
Trreasurer: Anna Swain, 074020562, email: annaswain@uwclub.net
Secretary: Position vacant
Minutes Secretary: Jill Grant
Workshop Organiser: Hazel Holbrow: email: hgh26@talktalk.net
Programme Secretary: Ernie Lee: 01803 431560, email: ernielee291@gmail.com
For any enquiries please contact any of the above listed, or Chair Julia Lee on 01803 431560
email : brixhamartsoc@gmail.com
Demonstration Nights
From January 2019 our monthly demonstrations will be held at
Brixham Rugby Club,
Rea Barn Road, Brixham.
7.30pm - 9.30pm
New members always welcome.
Visitors: £3.50
Brixham Art Society membership details
If you have an interest in art we hope many of you will be encouraged to join our society. This may mean you are a professional or semi-professional painter, or have just started your artistic journey and want to gain the skills to succeed in your quest.
Our members are a friendly bunch and always willing to share ideas and support newcomers.
We hold at least one major exhibition during the year. If exhibiting we expect that work is framed to a professional standard, and advice will be given.
Full membership is £22.50 which is due 1st April
Associate membership is £16 which gives you the many benefits of the society except you would not be able to exhibit in our public exhibitions.
There is usually a discount on fees towards the end of the year. Please email: brixhamartsoc@gmail.com for details
Art demonstrations will re-start in January.
The venue is Churston Golf Club, Dartmouth Road, Churston, Brixham, TQ5 0LA.
Admission for guests is £4.00
tea/ coffee £1:50 cash
Contact email: brixhamartsoc@gmail.com
President James Williams
Chair: Ernie Lee
Vice-Chair: Anne Tranter
Ssecretary: Anne Tranter, email: brixhamartsoc@gmail.com
Programme secretary: Ernie Lee email: brixhamartsoc@gmail.com
Treasurer: Sue Coleman