Exhibition Information
New Data Protection Rules (G.D.P.R.)
GDPR Data protection
Brixham Art Society.
Data Protection and Privacy Policy Updated 28th June 2018
Please contact our Data Controller in case of any queries: Chair: Julia Lee
email: jlee1512@gmail.com
This Policy has been compiled to demonstrate and set out the Brixham Art Society's compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into legal effect from the 25th May 2018. The requirements of the GDPR will also be hereafter reflected in all relevant Brixham Art Society’s membership Forms.
This policy explains why and when we collect and store personal information about our members, how we use it, how we keep it secure and our members' rights in relation to all of the information we hold on them.
Members agree that the Brixham Art Society (BAS) may collect, store and use personal data, as described in this Data Protection and Privacy Policy.
The BAS reserves the right to amend the Data Protection and Privacy Policy from time to time without prior notice. Members will be informed of any amendments through direct contact and/or via Minutes of Meetings and/or via notices posted on the BAS website. Members should note that no amendments will have retrospective effect.
The BAS will always comply with the requirements of the GDPR when dealing with personal data. Further details on the GDPR can be found on the website of the Information Commissioner at www.ico.org.uk. For the purposes of the GDPR, the BAS will be the “Controller” of all personal data we hold on the membership. The name of the Data Controller can be found on the Web Site.
Who we are
2.1 We are the Brixham Art Society. Our address is The Brixham Art Society, c/o the Chairman, Julia Lee, 11 Greenover Road, Brixham, TQ5 9LX.
3. What information we collect, store and why.
Type of Information
Legal Basis of processing
Member’s name, address, telephone number (landline or mobile) and e mail address.
Managing the membership
Performing the Society’s purpose and legitimate operation of the Society, including informing members of events, demonstrations, social occasions and exhibitions, and to assist in the running of the Society
To ensure the adequate provision of facilities for members at gatherings and events
For the purposes of our legitimate interests in making sure that we can provide sufficient and suitable facilities for each gender at Society meetings
Identity of winners of cups, shields and artistic prizes
To facilitate recovery on an annual basis of cups, shields and prizes for the subsequent years
For the purposes of our legitimate interests in operating the Society.
Summary list of members' fees paid. Note: No record is held in respect of members' bank accounts, only the fact of whether payment of annual fees has been made
Managing the income of the Society
For the purposes of our legitimate interests in operating the Society
Re: Disabilities. No record is held in respect of any member’s disability. However, compliance with all aspects of the Disability Discrimination Act is maintained at every venue for meetings and exhibitions.
How we protect Personal Data
Data will be held on a Personal Computer managed and updated by committee members of the Society.
No personal data will be transferred outside of the BAS nor to any source outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) without consent.
We have implemented generally-accepted standards of technology and operational security in order to protect personal data from loss, misuse or unauthorised access, alteration or destruction.
Members should note however that when transmitting information or data, over the internet or via e mail, that this can never be 100% secure.
No payment in respect of annual subscription or in respect of hanging fees for exhibitions will be accepted by the Society via any online method. All payments to the Society will require to be by cash or cheque.
Members will be notified promptly in the event of the discovery of any breach of personal data protection.
Members data will not be used for marketing and members data will not be sold, rented or traded under any circumstances
Who else has access to the information provided to us?
We will never sell, freely give, share or exchange personal data with any third party without firstly seeking and obtaining members' prior consent (which members will be free to withhold) except where required to do so by law.
How long do we keep information?
We will hold personal data on our system for as long as membership continues and for as long afterwards as is necessary to comply with any of our legal obligations, unless the member requests otherwise. We will review personal data at least every year to establish whether we are still entitled to hold it and process it. If we decide that we are not entitled to do so, we will cease to hold and process that personal data, excepting that we may retain it in an archived form to comply with current or future legal requirements, as required by law, or for the pursuit or defence of legal claims.
We will securely delete and or destroy all financial information when it is no longer needed.
Subject’s Rights
An individual Subject whose data we hold, will have the following rights under the GDPR:
To access their personal data.
To be provided with information about how the personal data is processed.
To have personal data amended or corrected.
To have personal data erased in certain circumstances.
To object to or restrict how personal data is processed.
To have personal data transferred to the Subject or elsewhere in certain circumstances.
We will normally respond to data requests raised by members within 14 days.
Data Subjects have the right to take any complaints about how we process personal data to the Information Commissioner at https://ico.org.uk/concerns or by calling 0303 123 1113, or in writing to: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
For more details, please address any questions to the Chairman: Julia Lee, 11 Greenover Road, Brixham, TQ5 9LX.
Updated 28th June 2018