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Brixham Art Society Handbook Information and Guidance for Members



1. The Society’s Aims


Brixham Art Society exists to foster the practice, appreciation and development of the visual arts in Brixham and the surrounding district. Members of the Society organise demonstrations, talks, painting sessions, competitions, critiques, exhibitions, workshops and allied activities to promote this end.

We are all keen to extend our skills and understanding, and to share ideas.


2. Membership


Any practising artist, from budding amateur to established professional, is welcome to join as an Active Member.

There are no stringent requirements beyond the annual membership fee.

The minimum age is 18.

Those interested in the visual arts but not practising are equally welcome to join as Associate Members at a lower membership fee.


3. Committee


The activities and events of the Society are managed by a committee of not more than ten members, who are elected or reelected at the Annual General Meeting.

The Committee is generally comprised of the following officers: Chairman; Vicechairman; Hon. Secretary; Hon. Treasurer; Programme Secretary; Exhibitions Officer; Publicity Officer; Workshop Organiser, and possibly two other members in a permanent or temporary role.


A quorum, for the purposes of a recognised Committee meeting, is any five of the above and where one of the five is the Chairman or Vice-chairman.


The Committee is empowered to elect any sub-committee as may be deemed appropriate. Any member of the Society may bring forward a suggestion, or raise an issue for discussion, by contacting the Hon. Secretary.


The Society also has a President to perform such functions as the presenting of awards and opening of events. The President is not a member of the committee. Members are expected to respect the decisions of the committee. Inappropriate behaviour will be challenged by the committee.



4. Exhibitions.


The Society holds an Annual Summer Exhibition. All work exhibited must be for sale. All works submitted for this show must be original, and presented to a high standard. The committee reserves the right not to accept work considered to be of an unsuitable standard, subject matter or framing. Unframed paintings, drawings and prints will be available in browsers. Members may also offer for sale cards and similar items. Both a hanging fee and a commission on sales will apply. Rates will be set annually by the committee. The Exhibitions Officer will be the primary organiser of this event.



5. Code of practice.


All pictures submitted for public exhibition under the Society’s auspices should be the artist’s own original work in all respects. Whilst it is often necessary to carry out research by means of photographs or printed matter to obtain certain details, it is in the best interests of all artists to ensure that their exhibited work in no way infringes the law of copyright, by the reproduction of any substantial part of another person’s work, without their written permission. 6. Annual General Meeting The A.G.M of the Society takes place in March of each year, usually on the fourth Tuesday of the month. This meeting is led by the Committee Chairman, or Vice-chairman, and the agenda will include the following:- President’s welcome; apologies for absence; minutes of last A.G.M; Treasurer’s report and presentation of accounts; election and/or re-election of committee members*.


*The committee is elected for a year, standing down at the A.G.M. They can be re-elected, but if more than one person is nominated for a role, a vote of members will take place.

The President is elected for a period of 3 years, after which they can be re-elected for a final 3 years.


There will be a break for voting on pictures submitted for the four cups which will be awarded at the end of the meeting.



7. Competitions


Competitions are held for several cups at regular annual events: the A.G.M; the Christmas Luncheon; and the Summer Exhibition.


A.G.M. Competition (four cups):-


The Portrait Cup: A depiction of living subject matter (people, animals, sea-life, birds, etc.)


The Still Life Cup: A depiction of inanimate objects, (boats, buildings traditional still life etc.) Also abstract art.


The Nature Cup: Landscapes and seascapes. Flowers and plants etc.


The President’s Cup: A piece of work selected by the President from the above three categories.



Summer Exhibition Competition (four cups):-


Best oil painting,

Best watercolour painting,

Best alternative media work;

The President’s choice.



Christmas Lunch Competition:


This competition shall have a pre-announced theme, and the winner will be awarded the Bill Mason Cup.



8. Demonstrations and Illustrated Talks


These are arranged and organised by the Programme Secretary, currently taking place on the fourth Tuesday of each month.

A ‘Membership Card and Programme of Events’ is published annually detailing future events.

This information is also available on our website:



9. General Data Protection Rules (G.D.P.R) The Society is compliant with G.D.P.R. and takes seriously measures to protect your data. Emails you receive may contain confidential or legally privileged information and should not be forwarded outside the Society.



10. Proposed Rule Changes Proposals to pass new rules, change or introduce new activities, etc. shall be put in the form of a written resolution or email and submitted to the Hon. Secretary at least 28 days before the A.G.M. to allow time for the membership to be informed prior to a debate and vote.



11. Liquidation

In the event of liquidation of the Society, all assets shall be realised, and all accounts settled. The residue of the Society’s funds shall be distributed by the liquidator appointed at the final General Meeting.





This document amended 2023

Brixham Art Society 

© 2023 by Artist Corner. Proudly created with

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